Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Welcome back! Or just welcome.

Now that i've dragged over a bunch of old blog entries from my old site, I figured I should make a real update about this particular site. I'm trying to keep my mind in the museum world, as well as trying to get myself further along with my career in said world. I'm currently living in London on a temporary visa that's really only allowed me to temp in admin/front of house positions, albeit in museums - but i've not gotten the career development and experience I thought I might get here. But I think about museums as a visitor and 'academically' a lot of the time.

So welcome to the space where i'll be doing that, and hopefully talking a little bit about working in museums in whatever aspect it might be! I'll be heading to Canada sometime before the middle of next year, and eventually home to Australia so we'll see what fodder that can provide for museum-based blogging, too!

If anyone's out there, feel free to say hi and discuss!

1 comment:

Splock said...

"Hi" and and Barry say "Oh Hai". I like museums too by the way. My home town of Bridgnorth, in Shropshire, has a very tiny museum at the top of the old town's North Gate. I think that was my first one. You never forget your first one.